4 Hr Residential Smoke Detection Class 2022

Required subject for Burglar Alarm Licensees updated for 2022

4 credit hours


This course is required for burglar alarm license renewal and also applicable for fire alarm licensees.  We cover applicable sections of the IRC 2018 NJ Edition and NFPA 72 2016 edition 

Who Should Take It

NJ Burglar Alarm Licensees, anyone interested in the requirements for residential smoke detection systems, fire alarm licensees, applicants for a fire alarm or NJ burglar Alarm License, etc.

What Is Covered

Fire Alarm Basics as they pertain to residential smoke detection systems.  You'll learn the technical and real difference between Smoke Alarms and Smoke Detectors and what the significance is for you and your customers, You'll also learn the difference between required and supplemental smoke detection and much, much more.

2 ways to take this class:


  1. 4 Hr Residential Smoke Detection Class 2022 Required subject for Burglar Alarm Licensees updated for 2022

4 Hr Residential Smoke Detection Class 2022

Required subject for Burglar Alarm Licensees updated for 2022

4 credit hours


This course is required for burglar alarm license renewal and also applicable for fire alarm licensees.  We cover applicable sections of the IRC 2018 NJ Edition and NFPA 72 2016 edition 

Who Should Take It

NJ Burglar Alarm Licensees, anyone interested in the requirements for residential smoke detection systems, fire alarm licensees, applicants for a fire alarm or NJ burglar Alarm License, etc.

What Is Covered

Fire Alarm Basics as they pertain to residential smoke detection systems.  You'll learn the technical and real difference between Smoke Alarms and Smoke Detectors and what the significance is for you and your customers, You'll also learn the difference between required and supplemental smoke detection and much, much more.

2 ways to take this class:


4.7 out of 5.0 34 Reviews

Jared R

it is a good course. I wish there was more emphasis throughout the course on getting the books and where each topic is found in the books. Not just at the end.

Ryan N

Very informative, well laid out

Nate B

Very informative

Donald S

I have used other platforms and would have liked better interaction however it was great for the price.

Michael M

Very Informative, some classes were repetitive but still got something from all lessons

Shylough F

Class was very informative and also a great brush up on prior knowledge


very useful and easy to use and understand

Tony Y

detail and clear

Christopher S

This self-paced course is very informative, and the explanations are detailed and easy to follow. I would recommend this course over any other for the NJ license exam preparations.

Eric W

I currently work as a fire alarm system inspector. I have seen a lot in the past 5 years of service. However I still find it amazing how much more it is to this job. I appreciate your help and knowledge on the matter of the codes and system. Thank you

Subhas S

Very interesting

Nate B

Very informative

Dan A


Fabian B

Very detailed, I was able to clear many doubts.

Mike F

I found the class to be spot on with all the important information regarding detectors, alarms, and code. Bob is very knowledgeable and presents the material in a rear world way.

John S

Bob always gives a super informative class and is well prepared, passionate, and knowledgeable about the topics.

Victor A

Very informative due to some updates in the laws

Jason H

Awesome class very informative and very well explained

Robert A

Good update of current requirements

Erwin C

This class solidified the requirements for fully inspecting and testing fire alarm systems.

Anfernee S

Interesting and very informative

Andre C

Very assertive

Joan H

It was a good and understandable class and well explained

Samuel B

The class is great..!!!

Ronald M

Great class

Daniel A

Super informative

Carlos M

It was very helpful specially in learning the Importance of installing, maintenance and testing of fire protection devices.

Henry D

Thought the seminar was very informative

Warren D

Very informative

Percival W

This is a very informative and valuable course. I believe if animation is added the material will be more memorable and it will help to emphasize the major points.

Robert R

very informative and easy to understand.

john m

This course was very informative

Alex G

Very informative.

Artur T

Overall I am verry happy with the course. Each subject was explained clearly and in much detail. Only option that I wish I had was to ask questions as I go, like the live students did - might make sense to add such option in the system. Also, the package may need to be reviewed for repetitive content - seemed like some classes had similar or same slides for certain subjects. Other than that, I am very satisfied, the knowledge I gained was definitely worth the time and money.

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