Exam Prep Courses

The exam prep classes are specifically designed to help you pass the exams you will take.  Each license has three exams: the trade portion (Burglar, Fire or Locksmith), Electronic Security Exam and the Business and Law Exam.  Each exam is 2 1/2 long and preparation is key to passing.




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Required for Burglar Alarm LIcensees TECRF

This satisfies the NJ requirement for burglar alarm licensees to take at least 3 hrs in residential smoke detection before renewal.

Exam Prep module 5

In this module, we review the the math, electrical theory, formulas and practical application commonly used in the trade.  We review series and parallel circuits, combining multiple resistors, voltage drop and battery calculations and more. 

Exam Prep module 7

We review the Basic Burglar Alarm elements you will be tested on.

Law Module Exam Prep

Overview of the NJ Laws and Rules of the Trade.  Review the material the Business and Law Exam is based on material used to create the exam.

Exam Prep module 6

Understand how to apply the NEC to electronic security systems installations

Fire Alarm Basics and Exam Prep Module 8

We review Fire Alarm Basics and how to apply NFPA 72 requirements

Exam Prep Module 9

Test your knowledge, self assess your knowledge and determine which areas you may need additional study on.