NJ Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm & Locksmiths - Complying With Regulations
Detailed course on the NJ laws and Rules affecting the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Trades
5 credit hours
This five hour course covers all details of requirements that individual licensees and business alike need to know in order to comply with the licensing laws and regulations and related laws and regulations.
Applicable In
Who Should Take It
Business Owners, General Managers, Office Managers, Compliance Managers, Persons Responsible for Advertising, HR Managers, Construction Permit Processors, Sales, Installation and Service Managers, Supervisors, Business Qualifiers Individual Licensees and Employees Qualified as Unsupervised Employees
What Is Covered
Exactly what and how many CEU's do I need? What do I need to put in my advertising? What information has to go on my vehicles? What do I need to know about supervised vs. unsupervised employees? Is all the work I do covered by my license? Am I doing everything I need to do? Do sales and office staff need to be licensed? What are my responsibilities as a business qualifier?
It looks like we don't have any scheduled at this point. Please join our email list and be the first to know!
NJ Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm & Locksmiths - Complying With Regulations Detaile course on the NJ laws and Rules affecting the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Trades
NJ Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm & Locksmiths - Complying With Regulations
Detailed course on the NJ laws and Rules affecting the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Trades
5 credit hours
This five hour course covers all details of requirements that individual licensees and business alike need to know in order to comply with the licensing laws and regulations and related laws and regulations.
Applicable In
Who Should Take It
Business Owners, General Managers, Office Managers, Compliance Managers, Persons Responsible for Advertising, HR Managers, Construction Permit Processors, Sales, Installation and Service Managers, Supervisors, Business Qualifiers Individual Licensees and Employees Qualified as Unsupervised Employees
What Is Covered
Exactly what and how many CEU's do I need? What do I need to put in my advertising? What information has to go on my vehicles? What do I need to know about supervised vs. unsupervised employees? Is all the work I do covered by my license? Am I doing everything I need to do? Do sales and office staff need to be licensed? What are my responsibilities as a business qualifier?
It looks like we don't have any scheduled at this point. Please join our email list and be the first to know!
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NEC 2014
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NICET 2 Exam Prep
This course will help you prepare for the NICET 2 Fire Alarm Exam. We review parts of NFPA 72, NFPA 70, International Building Code, IFC, IRC, NFPA 101. We review elements of a shop drawing, performing site surveys, project management functions, measuring ceiling pitch or slope, performing take-offs, calculating number and spacing of devices, drawing symbols, reading and interpreting building system plans, using Gantt Charts, Basic logistics terminology, sequence of operation matrix, system startup and diagnostics, basic troubleshooting, fire-stopping practices, lock-out-tag-out, mentoring others,on-site coordination and communication and more.
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Required for Burglar Alarm LIcensees TECRF
This satisfies the NJ requirement for burglar alarm licensees to take at least 3 hrs in residential smoke detection before renewal.