Required CEU Subjects Courses
NJ requires these subjects of licensees and applicants.This category includes NJ Uniform Construction Code, NJ Barrier Free Sub-code, Americans with Disabilities Act, Laws and Rules of the Trade, Industrial Safety and Residential Smoke Detection.
View All UpcomingNJ Required Course 2
This course satisfies the NJ State Licensing Requirement for 2 hours of training in the Barrier Free Sub-Code for Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Licensees. The course explains the purpose of the code and its relationship to other standards such as IBC Chapter 11, ANSI A117.1 and the Americans with Disabilities Act as well as the responsibility of the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith contractor relative to all these requirements.
Taking your CEU classes can be a burden. Learn how to make it work for you and broaden your horizons.
This course is "Everything About CEU's". We explore the CEU requirements for Licensees and why it pays to select your courses carefully.
Resi Smoke Course 3 hr 2016
Learn about requirements for smoke detection systems in one and two family homes. These requirements come from NFPA 72, Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, The National Electrical Code, the International Residential Code, NJ Rehab Sub-Code and more. You'll learn to differentiate between Smoke Alarms and Smoke Detectors and why that is so important to code compliance. This course is packed full of information to help you get it right the first time when you are out in the field or selling to your customer.
Required for Burglar Alarm LIcensees TECRF
This satisfies the NJ requirement for burglar alarm licensees to take at least 3 hrs in residential smoke detection before renewal.
What Businesses must do to comply with licensing Laws and Rules
In this course, we review the requirements and application process for individual and business licenses. We review relevant NJ laws and regulations that apply to installation, service, maintenance and monitoring of alarm systems, electronic security systems and locks. You will learn when you need to get permits and when they are not required. You will also learn how to comply with advertising requirements.
NJ Required Course 3
This course satisfies the NJ State Licensing Requirement for 2 hours of training in the Americans with Disabilities Act for Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Licensees. The course explains the purpose of the ADA and its relationship to other standards such as NJ Barrier Free Sub-code, ANSI A117.1 and NFPA Life Safety Code, as well as the responsibility of the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith contractor relative to all these requirements.
What you need to know about NJ construction permits
In depth review of the process for filing construction code permit applications for security system installation. We also review the permit and alarm registration requirements of municipalities and cities in NJ that sometimes get confused with construction permits.
NJ Required Course 1
This course satisfies the NJ State Licensing RENEWAL Requirement for 2 hours of training in the Uniform Construction Code for Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Licensees. The course explains the relationship to adopted standards, an overview of the permit and inspection process and the responsibility of the Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith contractor relative to all these requirements.
NJ Required Course 4
This course satisfies the requirements for Licensee to complete 2 hours in the laws and regulations governing the trade.